Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tool Kits For Kids

A Company Helping Kids:
Tool Kits for KidsTM Introduces Fun, Innovative
Emotional First Aid Kits to Help All Children.

Parents everywhere are looking for better ways to help their children worry less and feel more confident. With this in mind, Tool Kits for Kids LLC announces the debut of the company’s first products designed and developed specifically for elementary and middle school children; The OUTSMART YOUR WORRY™ and CHARGE UP YOUR CONFIDENCE™ Tool Kit for Kids™ series. Tool Kits for Kids LLC is a creator of innovative “emotional first aid kits” that offer children a fun, easy and effective way to help them learn emotional life skills.

Worry and confidence were selected as the company’s flagship products because they are among the most critical issues facing children today. The OUTSMART YOUR WORRY Tool Kit For Kids™ gives children and young teens a fun, step-by-step way to use thinking and behavior skills that can help them become expert at managing worry, and deal with common fears and anxiety. Today, children’s worries are vast, ranging from fear of the dark, doing well in school, peer pressure, family conflicts, to economic hardship, crime and

Professionals and parents recognize that confidence is a key ingredient in maximizing children’s potential in academic achievement, social success, and personal happiness. Many stresses can shake a child’s confidence such as getting a bad grade, being excluded by friends, not being the best, or not being picked for a team, an award, or a performance. The CHARGE UP YOUR CONFIDENCE Tool Kit For Kids™ helps children and young teens achieve their personal best by giving them the tools they need to boost confidence and self esteem.

With this kit you can give your children and young teens a fun, step-by-step way to use thinking and behavior skills to:
Be an expert at managing worry.
Deal with fears and anxieties.
Stop the What Ifs.

Each kit comes with 20 colorful cards contained in a portable case. Each card presents a powerful skill to beat worry in ways that are fun and easy to learn. For younger children, appealing parent child activities are included.

With this kit you can help your kids achieve their personal best by giving them tools to:
Boost their confidence and self-esteem.
Deal with mistakes, criticism, and change.
Think independently and value their own effort.
Each Tool Kit comes with 20 colorful cards in a portable case. Each card features an essential confidence skill or self-esteem activity that children can learn quickly and easily.
My little ones were excited to try out some of the activities in these cool little tool kits! I really love the design and storage cases for these cards. The cards are very durable so I don't have to worry about little hands tearing them. It's great to be able to look at the cards and be able to have a response for my little ones when they are worried about something. Knowing that these tool kits was developed by doctors and psychologists, gives me confidence in that the activities have been tested and really do help little ones! It’s really amazing how well these little kits do work with kids. We highly recommend these great toolkits!

Available online at, the price for each tool kit in the series is $39.95. Tool Kits for Kids is producing a comprehensive series of “emotional first-aid tool kits” for children age 5 through 14.

Thanks so much to Role Mommy for this great reveiw opportunity!


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